Brand strategy is a practice that continues throughout the life of a business. It's never finished, but always improving. This Lean Brand Worksheet walks you through the basic elements of a brand strategy, or a "minimum viable brand." By using this worksheet, you will learn, unlearn, and relearn how your business connects with people and their values.

Opportunity is a moment that you create or a moment that creates you.

We've worked with start-ups and non-profits, foundations and think-tanks, global brands and government agencies - each with a unique story to share with the world. I'll help you discover the best creative strategies to meet your needs today and prepare you for the moments of tomorrow.

Our client/project history includes:

Nic DiPalma Creative not only better positioned DayBlink to engage our community, but also designed a strategy for us to effectively articulate our story across multiple platforms. DayBlink is now better positioned than ever to achieve our vision.
— Michael Wong, CEO & Managing Director, DayBlink Consulting

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